Adapting To Covid-19

John-Wayne Hughes
Author: John-Wayne Hughes
Published: 16th November 2020
Categories: Blog, Clinical massage, Physiotherapy, Stretches, Clinical advice

In short:

Supercharged and ready for business

Really pleased to announce that AdvanceSRM is still open for business during the current lockdown. A massive thankyou to everyone for their support throughout this difficult time. Whilst I have been unable to support people in-person I have really enjoyed working remotely with clients using the latest telehealth consultation technology. With a new management system in place our new way of living has led to some exciting developments for AdvanceSRM.

In detail:

Confident & Ready for Future Challenges


Over the past few months, I have taken the time to upskill and focus on ensuring that the business is equipped to deal with any future challenges. The health, safety and well-being of my clients is paramount, so I am pleased to have successfully completed, 'Preventing Disease Transmission in Massage Practice' and can successfully say that the clinic is 'Covid Secure'. This means there are some changes to how appointments are run.

Please read the important section entitled 'Covid-19 Appointment Protocols' at the end of this blog.

A client focused website

Whilst I have truly missed treating clients in person , I have taken advantage of the extra time afforded to me  to update my website.

  • Firstly, you will now find that there is a NEW easy-to-use BOOKING SYSTEM, which includes a client account portal that gives you access to all of your appointment details and invoices.


  • Secondly, there is a new dedicated section for REHABILITATION. All clients receiving rehab at AdvanceSRM will now be able to use the latest rehab technology to speed-up recovery and return to functional fitness.

image-example-of-rehab-video-and-progress-chart-as-seen-on-mobile-technology  image-of-video-demonstrations-of-exercises-that-can-be-accessed-by-clients  image-of-graph-illustrating-client-rehab-progress 

Covid-safe ONE-TO-ONE Telehealth ONLINE Appointments


Remote one-to-one online appointments have made all the difference for AdvanceSRM clients from whom one-to-one coaching, guidance and support has been vital for their rehabilitation & recovery. As local Covid-19 restrictions are gradually lifted and hands-on treatments are now available remote TELEHEALTH appointments will continue to be offered as an important service at the clinic.


open Doors and ready for business

As you can imagine, I have been itching to open the doors to clients and am so happy this is now possible! I have contacted all the clients who sadly had to cancel their appointments due to the lockdown or have been in touch with me during the pandemic due to the pain they have been experiencing, and giving them the chance to book-in as a priority.

I am now delighted to open the appointment book to existing and new client, and will look forward to seeing many of you soon.

Important - Covid-19 Appointment Protocols

  • Covid-19 and High-Risk Screening Form to be completed at the time of the appointment through online form or verbal. If verbal is used there shall be a written record.
  • Client to text the therapist when they arrive.  They are to wait in their car until the therapist indicates it is time to come in for the appointment (by phone or in-person).
  • It is recommended that clients wear a face covering and sanitise their hands before entering and upon leaving.
  • Doors will be opened by the therapist to minimise the touching of surfaces.
  • Complete Covid-19 Screening on entry to premises, including temperature check. 
  • Online Screening form is to be completed before the appointment. This can be completed on the day by clients on their own phone.
  • Where clients are unable to access mobile technology they will allowed to complete the form using the clinic tablet (this will be sanitised before and after use).

A minimum of 15 minutes between appointments is now in place to avoid any contact between clients

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